Resilient Body Oasis Med Spa - Houston, Texas
Logo Design, Brand Activation, Info Graphics for Website, Creative Content, Photography & Marketing
Grand Opening Produced by Kollective Media
Logo Design, Brand Activation, Info Graphics for Website, Creative Content, Photography & Marketing
Grand Opening Produced by Kollective Media
Grand Opening Recap
Grand Opening photography by Kollective Media
Body Obsession Houston Med Spa - Houston, Texas
Logo Design, Brand Activation, Info Graphics for Website, Creative Content, Photography & Marketing
Grand Opening Produced by Kollective Media
Logo Design, Brand Activation, Info Graphics for Website, Creative Content, Photography & Marketing
Grand Opening Produced by Kollective Media
Submission for Sony Music Grant - Violeta Alvarez - Houston, Texas
Video Submission produced by Kollective Media
Headcount.Org - Nationwide Campaign & Virtual Concert
All content and marketing produced by Kollective Media
All content and marketing produced by Kollective Media
Virtual Concert Recap Video
Coffee with a Black Guy national merchandise campaign - Santa Barbara, CA
Custom website graphics and content, product photography for online store and eblast marketing
Custom website graphics and content, product photography for online store and eblast marketing
DJ Memorial feat. Paul Wall and Ky Meyer for University of Houston - Nationwide Campaign
Official recap video for social media and website